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KSWLA is happy to partner with Wayside Publishing and would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for their sponsorship!
College Credit
Earn up to 3 hours of graduate-level semester units of credit for each conference, workshop or webinar that you complete with Kansas World Language Association (KSWLA) and Benerd College - University of the Pacific. At only $62 per semester credit, you may choose to earn up to 3 graduate-level credits for implementing what you learn directly into your classroom or program setting. Primarily designed for salary advancement and/or recertification requirements, the credits offered are practical, meaningful and affordable.
IMPORTANT: Only conference attendees may apply for and earn this college credit. A certificate of attendance is required. More information here.
If you register on October 1, 2024 or after, we will be unable to guarantee a box lunch for you. Please contact Elizabeth Wilson at with inquiries about lunch.
Sorry, refunds will not be issued. If you require reimbursement, please work directly with your school or affiliation.
If you need to pay by check, contact Nanette Bergen at
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